International Learning Group School (ILG School)
Home > Community Connections: Field Trips and Guest Speakers
The IB connects a worldwide community of learners who celebrate a common humanity and share a belief that education can help to build a better and more peaceful world. Schools offering the IB bring a shared commitment to the IB’s mission through the learning community.
Education is a social or collective endeavour and a benefit to the community as a whole, as well as to the individuals within it. Everyone in the learning community has agency; they see themselves as contributors to its ongoing strength and success, and take action to bring about change.
To foster international-mindedness, the learning community extends to the whole IB community and views the world as the broadest context for learning. It is inclusive of everyone involved in the life of the school: students and their families, all school staff members and other important adults in the students’ lives. By situating learning within local and global communities, outcomes are considered from individual and collective perspectives, highlighting the interdependence of everyone and everything.
Together the learning community:
The learner profile provides many opportunities to explore attributes that underpin these outcomes, supporting everyone to be principled, caring and reflective community members.
Field Trips
ILG School encourages field trips, field studies, and use of the local community. A field trip must have:
Types of field trips include:
Guest Speakers
ILG School is eager to invite guest speakers. Guest speakers can give students the change to engage in discussion, learn something new, appreciate different perspectives, gain insight into different careers Guest speakers can inspire.
We have had a number of guest speakers including:
We are enthusiastic to be part of the Library Project Kosova together with our Albanian learning students aged 3 to 7 years old. This wonderful initiative brings modern captivating titles translated in Albanian to students around Kosovo. The project circulates titles across schools in Kosovo and provides training and guidance on reading comprehension and strategies for the teacher to use during her Albanian literature classes.
Ms. Maliqi and her students are looking forward to being part of the project and learning together while reading the first book, “Torta me petulla” by the famous Swedish author Sven Nordqvist.
Learn more about the project by following their website.
The ILG School Summer Camp is back! Join us from Monday, 26 June, through Friday, 28 July, from 08:30-15:00. Registration is open to current students, new students, and children that do not attend ILG School from ages 2-16. (Early Years 1 – Grade 11 for the 2023-2024 school year.) We look forward to welcoming you for a summer of fun!