International Learning Group School (ILG School)
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The ILG School Board of Directors is charged with policy setting, overall strategy development and assurance of the ILG School’s performance and financial health. The Executive Director is charged with management and administration of the ILG School in accordance with the law and the ILG School Statutes. The Board acts on the basis of a code of conduct that reflects the school’s values and underlines that the students’ best interests and achievements, are the primary concerns of the Board. Overall school’s sustainability guides any decision of the Board.
The ILG School Board of Directors is composed of up to 7 elected parents, the school Executive Director and one elected Staff Representative. Elected Board Members are volunteers. All ILG School Assembly members who are none educative staff can stand for election to the board by the General Assembly at its regular meetings. The Board elects from among its members a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Board is accountable to, and must report to the local school community and the Ministry of Education. The Board updates the school community about its activities in regular General Assembly meetings and through communication from the Board Secretary.
Vacancies on the Board
ILG School encourages a diverse composition of the ILG School Board with a membership that collectively enjoys the skills needed to respond to the responsibilities entrusted in them. Vacancies are announced via email to all Assembly members.
Strategic Planning
The Board is responsible for the development of ILG School’s long-term Strategic Plan with participation of ILG School’s key stakeholders. The Strategic Plan is aligned with ILG School’s Mission, Vision and Values Statements; and focuses on students’ learning and well-being. Based on the Strategic Plan, the Board develops its yearly School Improvement Plans that find reflection in the yearly budgets.
The ILG School Summer Camp is back! Join us from Monday, 26 June, through Friday, 28 July, from 08:30-15:00. Registration is open to current students, new students, and children that do not attend ILG School from ages 2-16. (Early Years 1 – Grade 11 for the 2023-2024 school year.) We look forward to welcoming you for a summer of fun!